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Portal Pop    Intermediate   Quick Tip    Version 11
Eliminate Portal Pop in FileMaker Pro 7
In FileMaker Pro 6 and earlier versions, portals scroll back to the top row whenever you click outside the portal (e.g. into a field). This behavior is disconcerting for users who wish to keep the currently-scrolled position of the portal while they work somewhere else on the record. FileMaker Pro 7 solves this huge developer request right out of the box -- except in one scenario. If you click on the layout where there are no fields or type the Enter key on the keypad, the portal will still pop back to the top row. To eliminate this behavior: enter layout mode, open Layout Setup from the Layout menu, and then Uncheck the option to "show field frames when record is active". While this will remove the dotted or dashed lines around fields when a record is active, most developers add enough interface to make it easy to locate fields anyhow.