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Un-Maximize      Quick Tip    Version 11
Setting the Restored Window Size
Many developers call the Toggle Window [Maximize] script step on startup when deploying FileMaker Pro solutions on the Windows platform. Since FileMaker cannot lock the window in the Maximized state (due to Microsoft guidelines), the window will become Restored (or Unmaximized) whenever another FileMaker file is opened -- often to an undesirable window size that obscures the interface and leads to user confusion. To define the size of the Restored window, call the Toggle Window [Zoom] script step during the startup script before the Toggle Window [Maximize] step. The Toggle Window [Zoom] step will size the right and bottom sides of the window to the object that is farthest to the right and bottom on the layout. Depending upon your interface you may want to define a utility layout which contains one object in the position the window should size to.

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