John Mark Osborne of Database Pros is certified for FileMaker 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 having passed all eleven rigorous exams.
Come celebrate with us regarding our 25,000th download of the Fireside FileMaker Podcast. If you haven't listened to our Podcast, come
listen to Michael Rocharde and John Mark Osborne talk about all things FileMaker!
FileMaker 20.3
The best thing in this release are layout calculations to unclutter Manage Database even further! Find out more!
Message Tracker
The Message Tracker allows a small, medium or large company to take messages from phone calls and track responses. Includes areas for message taking, employees and client tracking with cross-referencing between all three areas. Fully unlocked upon purchase with no licensing. Technical support is not included with purchase. Find out more about the Message Tracker
My Youtube Channel
Subscribe to my Youtube channel where you can watch tons of videos about FileMaker for free!
Quote about Training
"The training was very good - I picked up a few tricks which will
help. I was also pleased to note that I knew as much as anyone else on the course, and I think they were all pretty competent. Osborne is a good lecturer and has just the right mix of examples, talking and 'tests' to keep everyone interested and involved. I'd certainly come to another course with him, and I think FileMaker and you should be congratulated for getting him over."
- Howard Freeman
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