John Mark Osborne of Database Pros is certified for FileMaker 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 having passed all eleven rigorous exams.
Come celebrate with us regarding our 25,000th download of the Fireside FileMaker Podcast. If you haven't listened to our Podcast, come
listen to Michael Rocharde and John Mark Osborne talk about all things FileMaker!
FileMaker 20.3
The best thing in this release are layout calculations to unclutter Manage Database even further! Find out more!
URL Tracker
Tired of the inadequate bookmarking feature for large numbers of web sites? Organize your web sites better in a FileMaker solution! Full access password provided with purchase. Find out more about the URL Tracker
Philosophy of FileMaker
No holding back FileMaker blog! Blog focuses around scripting, calculations, relational design, reporting and FileMaker theory.
Quote about Training
"Thanks for the great seminar... You have given me a real leg up on knowing what is possible, as well as how to think about structure."
- Alan Brennecke
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