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xmCHART 5.0.10 Maintenance Release
July 28, 2023 - X2max Software is pleased to announce the release of xmCHART 5.0.10

New & Improvements:
- New: Sankey diagrams added.
- xmCHART 5 ready for FileMaker 2023.
- xmCHART 5 Quick Reference App: Improved support for dark mode.

Bug Fixes:
- Formatting bug fixed.
- Stroke dash pattern crash fixed.
- Area charts: clipping bug fixed.

What can xmCHART do for you:
Adjust your drawing by using xmCHART's built-in scripting language. Enhance your diagrams by adding texts and images. Add trend lines, moving averages and error bars to your charts. Create advanced charts by overlaying and combining diagrams. Arrange arbitrarily texts, graphics and charts all within one drawing. Import and export high-resolution bitmap images in different image formats. Produce resolution-independent PDF and SVG images for publication or web use. Combine barcodes with texts, images and diagrams. Create high quality PDF drawings in FileMaker Runtime solutions. Available for macOS, Windows, Linux Ubuntu. Running native on Apple Silicon M1 & M2 processor.

A fully functional demo version of xmCHART 5.0.10 is available for downloading at https://www.x2max.com/download/

Upgrade to xmCHART 5.0.10:
The xmCHART 5.0.10 upgrade is free to all xmCHART 5.0 customers. More info at https://www.x2max.com/purchase/#upgrade_license

Exclamation s If you have issue with the content of one of the news items posted here, feel free to voice your concerns to jmo@filemakerpros.com. Please limit feedback to improper content. Do not include your opinions about a product. Thanks for your understanding.

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