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Does the information on your labels creep up or down such that the last labels on the page are at the top of the label? The most-likely reason the labels are creeping is due to the Body part being too big or too small. However, let's start with the first row of labels. Does the first row of labels hit exactly where you want it to? If the labels are too low, decrease the size of the Header part. If they are too high, increase the size of the Header part. Once you have your first row printing correctly, move on to the rest of the rows. If they are creeping up, you need to make the Body part bigger. If they are creeping down, you need to make the Body part smaller. When you change the size of the Body part, any change is multiplied over the number of rows of labels you have. Change the Body size as much as the difference in position between the first and second rows of labels and all the labels should adjust correctly. It may take a few tries.