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Displaying 1...10 of 36 Links found
FM Books Connector    Plug-In and Tool
The FM Books Connector plug-in provides FileMaker Pro access to every record stored in a QuickBooks company file. Using this plug-in you can freely and easily exchange data between these two powerful applications. Using the plug-in is as simple as using a handful of script steps and does not require any XML!
Productive Computing    Consulting, Solution, Plug-In, Publishing on the Web and Hosting
Productive Computing offers FileMaker consulting services, solutions and plug-ins. They are one of 50 platinum level FBA members. They also offer hosting for FileMaker web solutions.
FMAnnounce    Mailing List
A FileMaker mailing list devoted to FileMaker related product announcement. Keep up-to-date on new and updated plug-ins, resources, educational products, commercial products, tools and everything else related to FileMaker.
gManipulator    Tool and Plug-In
The gManipulator plug-in connects FileMaker to Google services, including Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks and can be deployed locally or as a server-side integration on Mac and Windows operating systems.
File    Plug-In
The Troi File Plug-in is a very powerful tool for getting access to information outside the FileMaker Pro database. Any files stored on a computer can be modifed, imported or created through the functions of the plug-in.
Troi Automatisering    Plug-In, Resource, Solution, Tool and Discussion Group
Peter is one of the premiere plug-in developers for FileMaker Pro. His web site also offers ProMaker Utilities which makes it possible to paste an entire ScriptMaker script from a text file into a FileMaker script, OsErrors database containing over 4000 Mac and Win error codes and their descriptions and Astro Tool for Digital Asset Management. Peter even has a tips area and plug-in mailing list.
FusionCharts    Plug-In
Animated, interactive & data-driven flash charts for your FileMaker Pro solutions. Utilize your existing FileMaker skillset to plot visually arresting charts within your FileMaker solutions - and all for FREE. No need to install any plugins, buy expensive subscriptions or learn anything new. Just use the simple copy-paste style installation and get started in minutes.
PDF Manipulator    Plug-In
The PDF Manipulator Plug-in allows you to exchange data between FileMaker Pro and Adobe Acrobat PDF files that have embedded fields.
Outlook Manipulator    Plug-In
Productive Computing, Inc. introduces the first plug-in that can provide two-way data exchange between FileMaker Pro and Microsoft Outlook using nothing more than simple script steps. No Visual Basic or XML programming required!
NightWing Enterprises - FileMaker Solutions    Consulting, Resource, Training and Book
Premier provider of FileMaker Pro consulting, development, training and support services. Led by developer Ray Cologon PhD with over ten years FileMaker development experience. Specializing in high-end stand-alone runtime applications with extended plug-in functionality. We have the skills to assist, and we don't mind sharing them! Don't forget to check-out his 646, 747, 848, 949, X4X open source files!


Productive Computing